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18" Two-Hole 45° Strut Channel Brace (Knee Brace) Zinc Plated

KL Jack Quality Vendor
Item #: B261-18
$15.43 /Each
Package Size: 1

Total Price: $15.43

Two Hole 45° Channel or Knee Brace Bright Zinc Finish. Holes are sized for 1/2" diameter bolts. Load ratings are for brace members only, not the strut or channel to which they are attached. The load rating is based upon a Safety Factor of 3.

Manufacturer KL Jack Quality Vendor
Item Type Strut Bracket
Length (inches) 18"
Angle 45°
Bolt Size 1/2"
Finish Zinc Plated
Height 14-7/16"
Hole Size 9/16"
Hole to Edge 13/16"
Load Rating 450 lbs
Material Steel
Number of Holes 2
Supplier Part Number I5099-18
Weight per 100 238 lbs
Width 1-5/8"