
Carbide Cone Burr Bits

Carbide cone burr bits are made in a variety of shapes and types, and are used for deburring, drilling, milling, and finishing numerous shapes and materials, including aluminium, copper, plastic, stainless steel, iron, castings, and titanium. For use on hand-held pneumatic and electric die grinders.

High flow, high performance—built for serious airflow. Get the blow gun that means business!
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Durable and flexible for reliable performance. 100 ft spools of primary wire in all the gauges and colors you need!
Get 15% OFF Lenox bi-metal recip blades—built to last,  priced to move! Stock up and save on 25-packs!
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1/2" x 7/8" SM5 Carbide Burr - Pointed Cone


$26.62 /Each

With Ratchet Tie Downs, your cargo isn’t going anywhere! Ready to lock down any load—strong, simple, secure!